LettersFinding ‘Like Minded’ Souls… (02/23/19)
LettersBig is Best! (02/28/19)

A Wise Leader Listens (02/26/19)


Good luck with the court case presentation. That video as of today has 1007 views. The video interview with Garuḍa Prabhu about the book changes has 2216 views.

Devotees world wide are very concerned about these issues, so there is no reason why the GBC should not set aside time to reconsider these issues.

In Kali-yuga it seems that leaders all too often get completely out of touch with the people they are supposed to protect and represent. This holds true, not only in national and global politics, but in spiritual institutions also. A wise leader listens to his followers and well wishers.

Wishing you all success.

Your servant,

Swami Narasiṅgha

LettersFinding ‘Like Minded’ Souls… (02/23/19)
LettersBig is Best! (02/28/19)