LettersA Happy Ending (07/02/11)
LettersNot Free to Act on the Inspiration of Kṛṣṇa (07/02/11)

I am Happy to Hear Your Instructions (07/02/11)

Dear K____Swami,

Now it is very clear. I am happy to hear your instructions to V___:

“The new ones are simple; a.) Zero restrictions on her interaction with all Vaiṣṇavas and live in
harmony with her husband. b.) I ask her in her interactions with ISKCON to be sensitive to their
concerns, for example to not advertize the concerned programs to ISKCON devotees or sell your books to them, etc. She can leave that to P____. c.) Chant 16 rounds and follow 4 regs.”

Fantastic! I am so happy to hear this and I am sure that V___ will be a good disciple under your shelter and I will be most pleased to immediately communicate that to all parties concerned. She will always be encouraged in her faith.

Possibly we will meet someday in the house of L___ and V___.

Hoping this meets you well.


LettersA Happy Ending (07/02/11)
LettersNot Free to Act on the Inspiration of Kṛṣṇa (07/02/11)