LettersGive up all nonsense and follow the guru’s instructions (03/30/14)
LettersThe Sannyāsa Mantra (04/27/14)

Set a good example for the other devotees (04/23/14)

Please continue your service and try to set a good example for the new devotees. If we can train and show a good example to new devotees, than Lord Kṛṣṇa will send new people to join and learn about Kṛṣṇa. So, please always try to be a good example for the other devotees. Young devotees always look toward the older devotees for showing a good example. You can do it and Kṛṣṇa will help and inspire you.

LettersGive up all nonsense and follow the guru’s instructions (03/30/14)
LettersThe Sannyāsa Mantra (04/27/14)