LettersI Don’t Give a Royal Damn! (04/25/12)
LettersWe are Very Clear on what Śrīdhara Mahārāja Preached (05/08/12)

The Businesses are There to Support the Preaching (05/01/12)

Dear S_____,

I read all your emails over the past few days and also see the photos. Things are looking good and the report sounds very positive. I hope that when all is completed that we have a functioning āśrama and Deity worship with preaching on the upper floor in the GTO building as we have discussed. The businesses are there to support the preaching and if we do everything nicely then i am sure that Kṛṣṇa will bless the project with great success and we will be able to give Kṛṣṇa consciousness to many, many people… and even make some full time devotees. The GTO project is very important to me. You and the devotees have my full blessing to make it happen.

LettersI Don’t Give a Royal Damn! (04/25/12)
LettersWe are Very Clear on what Śrīdhara Mahārāja Preached (05/08/12)