LettersŚrī Guru is not found by the eye, but by the ear (01/08/14)
LettersTake solace in the cries of protest (01/14/14)

These unfortunate things have made me cry (01/12/14)

Dear ______

I read your email with interest. Yes, there are many subtle experiences of the mind and subtle body. But these are not spiritual. They are subtle material experiences. So in every circumstance and experience, it is always best to remember Kṛṣṇa by chanting the Holy Name. What you have described I have also experienced many times and I always remember Kṛṣṇa and chant the Holy Name.

You are a very sensitive person, so when you heard about some of the unfortunate things that have happened in The Hare Kṛṣṇa movement you started to cry. Even I am a very strong person, still these unfortunate things have made me cry also. It is sad, but still we have to continue with our faith and good association.

For many years you have been more or less along practicing Kṛṣṇa consciousness. That is very difficult, but still by the grace of Kṛṣṇa you are making advancement step by step.

Please keep me informed of your plans. I will be happy to see you once again. Maybe possible in future that you can come to India and live in the āśrama for a few months. Then you will have good association, many classes and service. Service is very important for spiritual advancement but in your present situation your service is minimal, only chanting and offering your food to Kṛṣṇa first.

Always happy to receive your emails.

With Affection,
Swami Narasingha

LettersŚrī Guru is not found by the eye, but by the ear (01/08/14)
LettersTake solace in the cries of protest (01/14/14)