LettersI Do Not Have Much Time Remaining (04/13/13)
LettersGaura-Gadādhara and the Mahā-mantra (04/18/13)

Vegans are the Ultimate Cow-killers (04/18/13)

Dear ______,

Happy to know you are surviving in Canada.

The problem with the Vegan movement is that in the end, all cows will be killed because they do not recognize any usefulness of the cow. Therefore at the end on the day, a Vegan is the ultimate cow-killer. If everyone became vegan the cow species would become extinct.

Kṛṣṇa was not mistaken about cows. Without cows there is no real human society. Vegans are speculators and have no knowledge or faith in the Supreme Being. Therefore we reject their world view.

It is better to keep cows, drink milk and show the world what God’s proper arrangement for happy living is.

I find vegan people disgusting, ignorant and self-centered.

Gaura Haribol,
Swami Narasingha

LettersI Do Not Have Much Time Remaining (04/13/13)
LettersGaura-Gadādhara and the Mahā-mantra (04/18/13)