LettersDo Not Worry About Gossip and Politics (05/04/07)
LettersTreading on Thin Ice (05/17/07)

We Are of the Same Party in the Higher Sense (05/07/07)

Dear D____ Mātājī,
Hare Kṛṣṇa.

I am happy to receive your email and I think you expressed yourself quite clearly and elegantly.

I especially like what you said, “I’ll also have a sort of “party” spirit in a higher sense.” That is exactly what my relationship with ____ Mahārāja is. We are of the same party in the higher sense, but down here on Earth, we teach our disciples from a different angle of vision yet our ultimate goal is the same.

However, that same thing cannot be said to be true of so many other godbrothers and godsisters. With those devotees we are not of the same party in the higher sense at all. To begin with, our party is not society conscious, we are not gate-crashers, and we have a complete difference of understanding when it comes to the ultimate goal of life and how to attain it.

With _____ Mahārāja, we may have some small relative differences but with others we are ‘absolutely’ different. I think you can understand what I mean to say.

Speaking of M____ Mātājī, I heard a story that she is in Nepal. Have you had any contact with her?

Hoping this meets you well and planning for getting more engaged in the mission and devotional service to our Guardians.

Śrī Rūpanuga-dāsānu-dāsa
Swami B.G. Narasiṅgha

LettersDo Not Worry About Gossip and Politics (05/04/07)
LettersTreading on Thin Ice (05/17/07)