LettersI prefer Lord Caitanya's pastimes to intergalactic lizards…(11/07/16)
LettersThe Saints are a Living Conception (04/12/17)

Connect the Dots! (04/12/17)

Yes, be aware of all this nonsense so you can stay out of the cross-hairs.

“Make America Great Again” means beef barbecues, a case of beer, a football game, hot dogs, cheese-burgers, abortions and gay marriages – just to name a few. And oh yeah, invading everyone and anyone who we cast our greedy glance upon, assassinate world leaders, orchestrate coups, open sweat shops, exploit the environment and financially enslave the world to enrich the ‘One Percent.’ And don’t forget the meaningless ideals of democracy, liberty, freedom and justice we give you (at the point of a gun!)

These are a few of the reasons “America” and the American people are now facing so many problems on their own turf.

Connect the dots! What goes around, comes around. Action and reaction. The universal law of karma always gets his man, and Americans are no exception.

America – the only Empire to rise and fall and never have a civilization in between!


LettersI prefer Lord Caitanya's pastimes to intergalactic lizards…(11/07/16)
LettersThe Saints are a Living Conception (04/12/17)